AK Fishing

11 04 2012


The anticipated wait killed my siblings and I before my dad arrived home from work. We sat on the steps waiting for the roar of his truck to reach our driveway we were decked out from head to in our fishing gear. This wasn’t any regular o’le run of the mill fishing no sireee this was Alaska fishing. My little sister, brother, and I, all with our smelly waiters and fishing caps ready for action, ready to snag a big one. When my dad finally arrived home we lept into action grabbing last minute items while dad geared up. Most of the time we were already seat belted in the truck before my dad could step inside the house. When we arrived at the seaweed infested river all our eyes would grow wide with excitement. Striding toward the river with the look of a professional fisherman we all cast and “fish on!” After casting our third time we usually hooked a Salmon. What a rush! My stomach would flop and I fought with the fish struggling using every technique in the book making sure my fish didn’t wiggle its way off the hook. After I tugged my fish onto the shore I took pride in what I had accomplished. Wearing ourselves out we knew we would be dog tired in the morning but we didn’t care. All good things must come to an end so midnight was our curfew. When we had lugged all the fish back to the truck we headed off to the cleaning station. I never would clean the fish but watch carefully so when my time came to do so I wouldn’t end up butchering my prized possession. My dad skillfully cleans and guts the fish, keeping some parts for bait and some for dinner. When everything is finished we race home to hit the hay hoping tomorrows run will be even more of a thrill.



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